Privacy Policy

At NMAX, our mission is to enhance the fitness experience through advanced mobile internet technology. To achieve this, our applications and services collect, store, and analyze a variety of activity-related data, both on your mobile device and via cloud-based services.

When you use TIER, we collect some personal information from you such as the type of device you're using and your IP address. You may choose to share additional information with us, for example, to enhance the performance monitoring of your installed app or to enable our service to send you push notifications periodically. We provide you with options in your settings to control the data we collect from you and how we use it. You also have the ability to download the personal information related to you at any time.

This statement is designed to clearly explain in straightforward language what data we collect and how it is used. If you have any questions after reading this statement, please contact us at [email protected].

Information Collected

When you choose to share information with us, we may collect the following types of information to provide services:

None of this data is shared publicly outside of the TIER app.

This revised privacy policy now specifically reflects the data collection and usage policies for NMAX's TIER app, ensuring transparency and user control over their personal information.

Limited Use Policy

TIER's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Login Credentials

When creating a TIER account, you can use an identity from Apple or Google. TIER will not have access to any of your login credentials (e.g., username or password) from these login services and will only have access to a token. A token is an identifier created by the login provider for TIER to use for the purpose of identifying you on their systems.

Public Information

The information you provide to TIER is not available publicly, except under specific circumstances. Only individuals with a TIER account who you explicitly connect with using the TIER service (by adding them as a friend or joining a crew with them) can see your profile name, photo, and daily activity metrics.